perm filename ED.1[AM,DBL] blob sn#500061 filedate 1980-04-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

Vis a vis Penny's msg:   I am still awaiting  a sample paragraph from  her
article, upon which to  pattern mine on  RLL (if she  wanted just the  raw
facts, she  could look  at the  RLL document,  as Larry  has for  the  NLM
proposal).  I am still awaiting a  sample entry from the HPP brochure  she
has been working on for a year or two now.  If she wanted just the  facts,
she could snarf the couple paragraphs from my CV.

More importantly, I am  doing this continuation for  YOU, not for  myself.
My connection with the NLM project is for your (and HPP's) convenience;  I
get nothing out of it.  I have  one student (Russ), and I can support  him
and me (from  NSF, and  now from ONR).   I do  not wield the  NLM or  ARPA
funds, I  do  not actually  oversee  the  workbench projects  my  name  is
connected with  (else AGE  would be  quite different),  I do  not hire  or
supervise students or RAs funded out of  that money.  Nor do I desire  to;
one or two  students is  all I  want right  now.  The  Arpa proposal,  NLM
proposal, site visits, continuations, etc., that  I do are favors to  you.
If Penny  doesn't want  to  contribute to  YOUR continuation  report,  you
should think twice about who to chastise.

Even more importantly:  I  owe you a  lot of favors; you  have a very  big
"account" still  with me.   But  you spend  fast by  publicly  embarassing
people, such as you did  today with me, or last  week with Larry (not  yet
having turned in his last chapter).  If Penny isn't happy, I'd  appreciate
hearing about it from her  directly or via netmail  or, if from you,  then
privately.  I have been pushing you for the intro to Randy and my book for
years now; it hurts me that it has so low a priority on your agenda, but I
have NEVER referred  to the delay  in front  of other people  except in  a
jocular fashion.  I expect the same courtesy.


PS:  I  am sending  Penny  a conciliatory  message,  in the  interests  of
harmony.  Whether you show her this msg is up to you.